Life is Sport Games

Follow the New 'Life is Sports Games' Baseball Blog

Created just in time for the pennant chase, this new baseball blog promises to deliver the low down on teams battling it out for Division titles and the final Wild Card spot. Special emphasis will be give to the National League Central. The division the author follows extensively throughout the year. Both fact and opinions will be shared that are backed up by stats and well known baseball resources throughout the community. 

Life is Sport Games Baseball Blog

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TTLB now has a Facebook page

True to Life Baseball is now on Facebook here:

Some background on the game development; True to Life baseball took over 2 years to design and test. The best time to release the game would have been in the spring when the baseball season was just starting. However, the game was not ready at that time, so it was decided to just offer in at the end of August. 

Due to the time required to design the game, no resources were spent on marketing it. Just now TTLB is getting put up on the social networking sites. Even so, there still is little time to spare for marketing as the 2013 player season sets must be completed, following by the 2014 player sets at the end of October. It takes approximately 500 man hours to do a season set. 

Marketing still is not a priority as 'Life is Sport Games' publishing will shoot for a 'Grand Opening' in the early spring of 2015. To coincide with the start of the 2015 baseball season. 

The 2013 player season sets are planned to be available late October or early November. This way players will have the 2011, 2013 season sets, and the 1947 champion teams to keep them occupied over the winter. The 2014 season sets will become available by February of 2015.

With all the time involved in getting the season sets out, I won't be able to get out as many video tutorials as I had hoped. Currently Life is Sport Games (LISG) is looking to get more involved with small local game conventions. LISG is located in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Go Brewers!

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Added a Baseball Resources Page

The new baseball resource page can be found here. Feel free to make suggestions for links to add. I only ask that the links focus be baseball knowledge and not product promotion. The resource page will be updated as time permits.

Baseball Game Tutorial Posted on Youtube

The first tutorial applies to all versions of 'True to Life Baseball' and is available by clicking the link that follows. TTLB tutorial on Youtube

This tutorial covers the most routine plays. When the bases are empty, resolving fly outs and ground outs is simply a matter of recording the batter outcome. Later videos will show a live play through instead of a static slide show.

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True to Life Baseball Website Goes Live Today

After over 2 years in development, 'True to Life Baseball' is now a reality. TTLB is a dice/board (actually a mat) game that is designed to play as accurately as real life baseball. With TTLB it is possible to recreate an entire seasons worth of baseball metrics. Complete with all the drama and managerial options that baseball entails.

The game is now featured on this sites home page at 20% off. At the top of this page is a link to the TTLB forums that support the game. There is a youtube link (TTLB Youtube page) that will eventually have game tutorial videos. Along with the base TTLB game, the entire player season set for 2011 is also available that contains 30 teams. The base game comes with 6 teams. 

For more information on 'True to Life Baseball', click on this link: TTLB game preview  or to purchase it click here: Game Product Page

You can find other products in categories listed along the far right border of this website. We will also feature collectible items that I am transferring over from my Ebay business. These items include vintage Pentax lenses and antiquarian books. 

This website is intended to be simple and easy to navigate. Feel free to comment about anything or add suggestions.


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