Life is Sport Games

Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he's losing; nobody wants you to quit when you're ahead.

Jackie Robinson

Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical.

Yogi Berra

Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets.

Yogi Berra

Baseball is like church. Many attend, few understand. 

Leo Durocher

It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. It took one afternoon on the golf course.

Hank Aaron

A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings. 

Earl Wilson

"I led the league in go get 'em next time."

Bob Uecker

“Sometimes a strikeout means that the slugger’s girlfriend just ran off with the UPS driver. Sometimes a muffed ground ball means that the shortstop’s baby daughter has a pain in her head that won’t go away. And handicapping is for amateur golfers, not ballplayers. Pitchers don’t ease off on the cleanup hitter because of the lumps just discovered in his wife’s breast. Baseball is not life. It is a fiction, a metaphor. And a ballplayer is a man who agrees to uphold that metaphor as though lives were at stake. 

Perhaps they are. I cherish a theory I once heard propounded by G.Q. Durham that professional baseball is inherently antiwar. The most overlooked cause of war, his theory runs, is that it’s so damned interesting. It takes hard effort, skill, love and a little luck to make times of peace consistently interesting. About all it takes to make war interesting is a life. The appeal of trying to kill others without being killed yourself, according to Gale, is that it brings suspense, terror, honor, disgrace, rage, tragedy, treachery and occasionally even heroism within range of guys who, in times of peace, might lead lives of unmitigated blandness. But baseball, he says, is one activity that is able to generate suspense and excitement on a national scale, just like war. And baseball can only be played in peace. Hence G.Q.’s thesis that pro ball-players—little as some of them may want to hear it—are basically just a bunch of unusually well-coordinated guys working hard and artfully to prevent wars, by making peace more interesting.” 

David James Duncan

“I have just one superstition. Whenever I hit a home run, I make certain I touch all four bases.”

Babe Ruth

"Ok you guys, pair up in threes!"

Yogi Berra

"Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off."

 Bill Veeck

Why does everybody stand up and sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" when they're already there?  

Larry Anderson

Trying to sneak a pitch past Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak a sunrise past a rooster.

Joe Addock

Now there are 3 things you can do in baseball game: You can win or you can lose or it can rain.

Casey Stengel

People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.

Rogers Hornsby


Vote on which season gets 'carded' next for the Pine Tar Baseball game

Now baseball fans get to decide which will be the next season produced for the Pine Tar Baseball game. Select on of the teams listed below. It has been pointed...

Kickstarter campaign for the 1973 Baseball season.

The 1973 season for Pine Tar baseball will be featured in a Kickstarter campaign that will begin on Jun 22, 2015. Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates for...

Future Crowdfunding Campaign for 1897 Baseball Game

In mid June, Life is Sport Games will be launching a crowdfunding campaign for the 1897 baseball season. This season set will be for the Pine Tar Baseball tabletop game....


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